

A crypto asset management tool for the multichain future

A crypto asset management tool for the multichain future

A crypto asset management tool for the multichain future





A human-centered crypto asset management tool.

A human-centered crypto asset management tool.

User experience in the crypto industry has constantly been criticized for being too difficult and confusing. For Abacus, we set out to provide all the advanced functionality capable in a multichain crypto experience with an interface that is simple and easy to understand for the average user. Abacus is a decentralized non-custodial multiplatform app with all the features of a crypto wallet, plus features native to the cosmos ecosystem, such as multichain swaps and IBC transfers, staking permissions, and feegrant permissions to delegate actions to other public keys.

User experience in the crypto industry has constantly been criticized for being too difficult and confusing. For Abacus, we set out to provide all the advanced functionality capable in a multichain crypto experience with an interface that is simple and easy to understand for the average user. Abacus is a decentralized non-custodial multiplatform app with all the features of a crypto wallet, plus features native to the cosmos ecosystem, such as multichain swaps and IBC transfers, staking permissions, and feegrant permissions to delegate actions to other public keys.

The Next-Generation Crypto Management Tool

The Next-Generation Crypto Management Tool